Mark Jenkins, 52 Pickup. Galleries, Style Section, The Washington Post. July 22, 2011.
"More cleverly, Jennifer Bishop personifies the seven of hearts as a man on a Metro escalator, holding seven heart-shaped Mylar balloons."
Jordan Edwards, The chosen few: Fraser exhibits hidden gems from Artomatic. Gazette, July 28, 2009.
"'It's not just a simple thing,' Bishop says. 'The fact is, most births have some sort of medical mediation.' The 34-year-old is still amazed by the miracle of giving life. She goes so far as to call it 'magic.'"
Kevin Mellema, Best in show. Falls Chuch News Press, July 23, 2009.
"While reverential, you can almost hear the teenage shouting matches to come; 'see what I went through for you.' It's a beautiful blue color combined with an unusual subject."
J.T. Kirkland, My Artomatic "Top 10"-ish. Thinking About Art, June 29, 2009.
"After I finished compiling my list I noticed something interesting. Of the 14 artists named, 13 are women."